The subject of church discipline causes many to be squeamish at best and hostile at worst. Why would a church that is about loving people seek to discipline its membership? Many people avoid discipline of any kind, but when discipline is rightly applied it is a sign of love, security, and protection. In the same way, church discipline is a sign of a healthy church. In this episode, Caleb and John discuss why this is so and how church discipline is to be applied. 


Case study in 1 Corinthians:5

  1. The purpose of church discipline is to restore, keep sin from spreading, and protect the reputation of the church. 
  2. There is not an exhaustive list in the New Testament of sins that merit church discipline.
  3. The process of disciplining starts with smaller circles to larger circles. 

“We don’t shoot our wounded, but we don’t leave our wounded at war.” — Todd Wagner

Knowing God Podcast
Knowing God Podcast
John Frawley & Caleb Rolan

You might not be able to know God fully but you can know God truly. Join us as we discuss what it means to know God.